ESO: How To Get Married And Boost Your Gameplay Experience

Published: 2024-11-06
Views: 108
Author: nevinent
Published in: Arts & Entertainment

In The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), players have the unique opportunity to marry one another, bringing both a meaningful bond and tangible in-game benefits. Getting married in ESO provides a ten percent XP boost when adventuring with Cataclysm Classic Gold your spouse, provided both players wear their wedding rings. This boost, small though it may seem, can significantly enhance leveling speed, especially for those aiming to reach higher levels together. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get married in ESO and make the most of this feature.

Requirements to Get Married in ESO

To get married in ESO, players must have access to the Imperial Edition of the game. If you didn't originally purchase this version, you can still unlock the marriage feature by purchasing the Imperial Digital Upgrade from the ESO store on any platform. This digital upgrade includes the essential item needed for the ceremony: the Pledge of Mara.

Once the upgrade is installed, the Pledge of Mara will appear in your in-game bank. From here, you’re just a few steps away from a lifetime of adventure with your chosen partner.

Locating the Shrine of Mara

The marriage ceremony in ESO takes place at the Shrine of Mara, which can be found in every major city across Tamriel. The exact location of the shrine varies depending on your chosen faction:

  • Daggerfall Covenant: Glenumbra
  • Aldmeri Dominion: Auridon
  • Ebonheart Pact: Stonefalls

To locate the Shrine of Mara, open your map and hover over the shrine symbols to identify its location. Make sure you and your partner meet at the same shrine, as this is where the marriage ceremony will take place.

Preparing for the Ceremony

Once at the Shrine of Mara, follow these steps to prepare for the wedding:

  1. Retrieve the Pledge of Mara: Open your bank and locate the Pledge of Mara. This item is necessary for initiating the ceremony.
  2. Equip the Item in a Quickslot: Attach the Pledge of Mara to one of your quickslots for easy access. This will allow you to use it during the ceremony.
  3. Meet Your Partner at the Shrine of Mara: Both you and your partner must be present at the shrine with the Pledge of Mara equipped.

The ceremony requires commitment, as ESO does not provide an option for divorce. Choose a partner who plays regularly and at similar times to maximize the XP boost benefit.

The Marriage Ceremony

At the Shrine of Mara, locate the Altar of Mara. Interact with it to initiate the marriage process. The altar will display the message:
"At this altar to the Goddess of Love you can use a Ring of Mara to espouse your beloved."

Once both players have the Pledge of Mara equipped in their quickslots, hold the interact button to begin the ceremony. Accept the on-screen prompt to commit to your partner, completing the marriage.

Activating the XP Boost

After the ceremony, both players receive a Ring of Mara. To activate the XP boost, each player must equip this ring. The boost only works when both players are online and have the rings equipped. If your partner logs off or you wish to play solo, simply unequip the ring until you can adventure together again.

The ten percent XP boost may seem modest, but it can have a noticeable impact over time. It is especially helpful for players who consistently play together, as they can take advantage of this boost in quests, dungeons, and leveling grinds.

Making the Most of Your Bond

Being married in ESO is more than just a fun feature; it provides tangible in-game benefits that can aid in progression. Here are some tips to make the most of your marriage in ESO:

  1. Plan Play Times Together: Regularly play with your spouse to maximize the XP boost, particularly during time-consuming activities like dungeons or grinding.
  2. Equip the Ring Only When Together: The ring slot is valuable, so consider only wearing it when you can team up with your spouse for maximum efficiency.
  3. Adventure and Level Up as a Team: Quests, leveling, and exploration become more rewarding with the ten percent boost, giving a meaningful advantage to both players.

Getting married in ESO has no downsides since the ring can be equipped or unequipped as desired. With the ring equipped, couples in Elder Scrolls Online Gold for sale can enjoy faster leveling and a more connected gameplay experience.

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